It’s been a while since I’ve written to you, and I’m grateful for this moment to do so. In our distinct industry, our shared world of storytelling, it’s easy to get lost in deadlines and logistics. Creativity can become a grind and a hustle. Sometimes, we spiral into a relentless pursuit of perfection, forgetting that creating from a foundation of truth, even if imperfect, often births the best art.


Dear Harbor Community,

It’s been a while since I’ve written to you, and I’m grateful for this moment to do so.

In our distinct industry, our shared world of storytelling, it’s easy to get lost in deadlines and logistics. Creativity can become a grind and a hustle. Sometimes, we spiral into a relentless pursuit of perfection, forgetting that creating from a foundation of truth, even if imperfect, often births the best art.

While the pressures of our reality can overwhelm, creativity is a cultivated essence—nurtured through diverse experiences, exploration of timeless classics, and occasional breaks. Valuable moments shared with family, friends, and loved ones offer respite. Observing humanity amidst its raw, chaotic, and occasionally exasperating ways provides a wellspring of inspiration. Within these experiences, we find the essence to craft stories that deeply resonate with both ourselves and our audiences.

This holiday season, I hope you find solace in our collective break, infusing new energy and hope for the creative journey that lies ahead in the coming year—embracing its boundless potential. May the new year bring us projects that challenge us, collaborations that invigorate us, and stories that honor our craft.

Happy Holidays, 

— Gabriela Elder